Something Happened at School that Day

“Screech, screech!”

The rusty, old school bell sounded. My next lesson was science, my favourite class. It was the year 2019 and we were at a special boarding school in Bern, Switzerland, called St. Paul’s Exclusive Science Academy.

Today we were trying to make a real monster out of a toy monster that would obey our orders for our final school project. I grabbed the toy monster to look at it more closely to get an idea of what to use to make it come alive.

All of a sudden a little child ran through the science lab, straight into me! I fell loudly to the floor with the monster in my hands. As I fell, a little piece of the toy monster broke off, and went under the table. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the piece until later in the day.

Our challenge was to figure out how to make our one inch tall toy monster come alive, and to make it grow to 2 feet tall. The toy monster was green and alien-like, with big, sharp-like teeth. We had to make some type of quick growing liquid for it to get bigger in less than an hour. “Lets go grab some fertilizer from the garden shed” someone suggested. I volunteered to go and get it.

When I came back, the others were discussing what else to put in the bowl with the fertilizer. They decided to add some water to the mixture. When we added the water to it, it became all brown and mushy. Little did we know that some of the mixture fell on top of the broken piece of monster on the floor.

It was then recess, so we kept everything out because we were going to head back to the science lab after recess. For recess, I played a soccer game with some friends, and when recess was done, I sprinted back to the lab to continue on what we were doing before. I was terrified when I entered.

The little piece of monster that fell off earlier was alive! Apparently someone at recess had yelled out, “Live, live, live!” And there it was in the lab, growing in height and growing back it’s body. The monster’s head slowly headed to the roof and when the monster’s head touched it, the monster smashed right through. It then grabbed the science lab off the ground and threw it away like it weighed nothing, with me watching underneath.

Scary Plastic Monster!

The monster suddenly turned around, and with me terrified, ran in the opposite direction. In and out of buildings I went, trying to dodge the monster. But he kept coming, smashing buildings as he went.

When I lost him in a pile of bushes, I started to think of a plan. I started to run to the garden shed when the monster wasn’t looking. When I got there, I found some weed-killer and some water and threw them into a bucket and started to mix. I stopped mixing when it was ready, and ran out into the open so that the monster could see me.

The monster saw me and started to chase me. I started to run and hoped that the monster would land on the bucket. The monster did land on it and crushed it to smithereens. It let out an ear-piercing scream and started to shrink before me. It grew so small that I couldn’t see it until I walked forward and looked at the ground. The monster was the size of an ant! I then jumped up high and smashed the monster to bits. The monster was dead!

I was a hero! I rescued everyone from the dreaded monster! Of course everyone knew how the monster had come to life, and were all very happy that the monster was dead.

It was the end of the year and when I got my report card, it said that I got an “A plus” in science, because I rescued the school from the monster that was created in science class. My parents were very proud of me and they said, that I could be a professor one day. And that’s exactly what I did.

Image source: BFLV