Time Machine 2

The Time MachineThis time we’re going back to the dinosaurs. I am thinking about going to the Cretaceous period , but given the experimental stage of our time machine, we will have to wait and see when we turn up …

So I hopped into time time machine and was of.

When I landed I jumped out. All I could see was trees after trees. It was like the opposite of what we live in right now. Also the atmosphere was very humid. What was really cool, I saw some volcano’s.

Then all of a sudden a Tyrannosaurus Rex started chasing me, distracting me from my thoughts. I ran for my life. I guess I should have signed up for the Olympics. Then out of nowhere a Triceratops jumped out and started to attack the T-Rex. That’s when a Quetzalcoatlus swooped down and picked me up. Before I new it I was 1000 feet of the ground. I was shocked about what just happened.

Running from the DinosaursAfter a while the Quetzalcoatlus put me down near the time machine. Then he flew of.

I raced to the time machine before any other dinosaurs started chasing me. When I got there I dove right in and slammed the door shut. Then I sent it back to the year 2014.

Diving into the Time Machine

When I got back I inspected the time machine for any damage. Then I saw a juvenile Troodon, which looked like an featherless ostrich.

Then I had a great idea. But that’s for next time…

Time Machine 2 - Caleb Hutchison